Optimal Task Scheduling Model and Dynamic Algorithm Based on Punish Strategy in Grid Environment 网格环境下基于惩罚策略的任务调度模型及动态算法
Research on optimal scheduling strategy of aircrafts centralized deicing vehicles based on genetic algorithm 飞机集中除冰车辆优化调度方法研究
The Optimal Scheduling Strategy for Pumping Water from Wells of HuaiRou Waterworks 怀柔水厂取水优化调度策略
To achieve optimal management for the mine water drainage system, the authors develop the scientific methods, i. e., mathematic models for pump performance and pipeline character; optimal working condition models, optimal scheduling strategy models. 建立了实现矿井排水系统最优运行管理的科学方法,即水泵性能和管路特性数学模型、运行工况优化模型和最优调度方案决策模型,提出了实现系统总目标的策略方法。
Research on the Job Shop optimal scheduling strategy based on multi-agent architecture 基于多代理结构的Jobshop动态优化调度策略的研究
Taking minimizing the make-span as the objective of scheduling, an optimal or suboptimal solution to the scheduling is found through various genetic and simulated annealing operations as crossover, mutation, probabilistic updating and re-assignment strategy; 该调度以生产周期为目标,通过多种交叉、变异、概率更新、再分配策略等遗传和模拟退火操作,得到目标的最优或次优解;
Real time display of the virtual scene is the important research topic of virtual reality, and the optimal scene scheduling strategy is one of the methods to solve this problem. 虚拟场景的实时显示是虚拟现实技术的重要研究课题,优化场景的调度策略是解决实时显示的主要方法之一。
Research on the Optimal and Dynamical Scheduling Strategy for Elevator Group Control System 电梯群控最佳动态调度策略研究
Firstly, we construct a dynamic optimal control model for FCFS scheduling strategy; then, we present the more useful model for DM scheduling algorithm, so, the aperiodic soft real-time system is a single server queue system with multiple priorities. 首先给出了先来先服务调度策略的一些结果;然后在此基础上构造了针对DM调度算法的最优控制模型,此时非周期软实时系统是一个多优先级的单服务台排队系统。
Optimal scheduling strategy is a reservoir for the establishment of a comprehensive objective function, and set the appropriate constraints solving equations established by objective function and constraints, to obtain optimal scheduling scheme. 优化调度策略是一种以水库为主体建立综合目标函数,并设定相应的约束条件,对目标函数进行求解,并根据约束条件建立求解方程,通过对方程组进行求解得到最终的优化方案。
The proposed algorithms are evaluated to be efficient and practical through both analysis and simulation studies. A QoS-aware optimal scheduling strategy is proposed in this thesis. 随后QoS感知优化算法描述了这些优化策略。最后论文通过分析和模拟两种方法验证了所提出的方案的有效性和实用性。
In this paper a hybrid algorithm for solving Stochastic Chance-Constrained Programming Model ( SCCP) is proposed and applied to the solution of reservoir optimal scheduling strategy. 基于此本文提出一种求解随机机会约束规划模型的混合算法,并将其应用于水库优化调度策略的求解。
Node scheduling module chooses optimal node based on scheduling strategy. 节点调度模块实现根据调度策略选择最优节点控制器。
Therefore, the optimal scheduling strategy is another research content of this article. 因此,优化任务调度策略是本文的另一研究内容。